Submission Steps

Before you start service, please email us to discuss your experiment and do these three things.

You can use the Contact Us Form or email the personnel you have worked with before.

First, if you are new to the Core Facilities, make a PPMS account with a valid charge account before submitting any submission forms.

Second, label all samples on the top of the tube with your Initials and a number without repeating. Make an Excel sheet with all the sample "Initials-#" and the corresponding sample treatments or conditions if applicable.

Third, a submission form is required for each set of samples. Please submit a new Sample Submission Form before sending in a sample set and include a printed copy in the packaging.

You can see the following for more details on how to prepare to send samples to the core facility:

Please read the steps above so that we may begin work as soon as we can:

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Contact Us

Any Questions? Contact Us.
Phone: (530) 754-9474 (please email us first)
Text: (530)771-7055
Twitter DM: @ucdproteomics


Our shipping address is:
Proteomics Core Facility
Room 1414 GBSF
451 E. Health Sciences Dr.
University of California
Davis, CA 95616


Please do not use US Mail to send samples as they will likely be delayed, potentially affecting the quality of your sample.