
I know pricing should not be difficult

Unfortunately, it's a bit tricky to charge accurately for the work we perform. 


All samples are different and take different amounts of time to work on. Almost all of the variability (in your results & in the pricing) is due to the protein extraction and sample prep.

 LC-MS runs are charged per hour.

We can give you an estimate, however you can cut down the costs by doing a lot of the work yourself and using shorter LC-MS gradients.

Price Estimates per Sample
UC Davis Customer
Non-Profit Customer
Industry Customer
  • These are base price estimates, including data analysis and 30-minute LC-MS runs. Final prices depend on the type of sample preparation, actual LC-MS runtime, and extra labor.
  • If you have samples that would be suitable for a high-throughput workflow, contact us. We will discuss your experiment and the work included.


Do the protein digestion yourself and send the lab your peptides to save money.

See the protocols we use here.




Contact Us

Any Questions? Contact Us.
Phone: (530) 754-9474 (please email us first)
Text: (530)771-7055
Twitter DM: @ucdproteomics


Our shipping address is:
Proteomics Core Facility
Room 1414 GBSF
451 E. Health Sciences Dr.
University of California
Davis, CA 95616


Please do not use US Mail to send samples as they will likely be delayed, potentially affecting the quality of your sample.