Instrument Grant acknowledgments

It is vitally important that all publications that use the facility acknowledge our grant funding. Without this , we are unlikely to get any more 


For data Generated on our Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer (files begin with FL)


NIH S10 Grant S10OD021801

For data Generated on Exploris 480 s mass spectrometer (files begin with Ex)


NIH S10 Grant S10OD026918-01A1

For data Generated on the timsTOF Pro 2


Acknowledge Dr Neil Hunter Howard Hughes Medical Institute 


Thanks! and Please contact us if you have any questions !





Contact Us

Any Questions? Contact Us.
Phone: (530) 754-9474 (please email us first)
Text: (530)771-7055
Twitter DM: @ucdproteomics


Our shipping address is:
Proteomics Core Facility
Room 1414 GBSF
451 E. Health Sciences Dr.
University of California
Davis, CA 95616


Please do not use US Mail to send samples as they will likely be delayed, potentially affecting the quality of your sample.